
    1. Welcome Video

    2. Welcome 1.1

    3. About the Chakras- Video

    4. 1.2 About the Chakras

    5. 1.3 Colour Wheel

    6. 1.4 Materials- Video

    7. 1.4 Materials

    8. Chakra Tree Of Life Materials List

    9. 1.5 Sacred Space

    10. Chakra Tree of Life Meditation

    11. 1.6 First Layer- Video- Tree One

    12. 1.6 First Layer : The Tree- One

    13. Tree Two Bonus. First Layer

    14. Tree Two- First layer- Video

    1. 2.2 Purple words/Stencils - Video- Tree One

    2. 2.2 Second Layer - Purple stencils - Tree One

    3. Tree Two. Video

    4. Tree Two. Second Layer

    5. Tree Two- Setting Intentions/ setting up for next Layer- Video

    6. Tree Two- Setting intentions

    7. 2.2 Third layer. Glazing. Tree One

    8. 2.2 Third Layer- Glazing with translucent Paint- Tree One. Video

    9. Tree Two- Glazing

    10. Tree Two- Glazing- Video

    1. 3.1 Discovering the Tree within- Fourth Layer- Tree One

    2. 3.1 Discovering the Tree within- Fourth Layer- Tree One- Video

    3. 3.2 Fifth Layer- White stencils and Glazing- Tree One

    4. 3.2 Fifth Layer- White stencils and Glazing- Tree One- Video

    5. Tree Two- White stencils and Glazing

    1. 4.1 Sixth Layer. Misting the Background. Tree One. Part One

    2. 4.1 Sixth Layer. Misting the background. Tree One. Video. Part One

    3. Tree Two-Misting- Video

    4. 4.2 Sixth Layer- Pulling the tree out. Tree One. Part Two- Video

    5. 4.2 Sixth Layer- Pulling the tree out- Tree One. Part Two

    6. Tree Two- Adding the colour- Video

    7. Tree Two- Adding Colour

    8. Tree Two- Purple/Swirls/Mist- Video

    9. Tree Two- Let the Light in- Video

    10. Tree Two- Let the Light in

    1. 5.1 Eighth Layer- Theme Stencils-Final Layer-Tree One- Video

    2. 5.1 Eighth Layer- Theme Stencils-Final Layer-Tree One

    3. Tree Two- Final- Shine!!-Video

    4. Tree Two-Final-Shine

    5. Chakra Tree of Life PDF- Covers original Tree One Course

Chakra Tree Of Life

  • $195.00
  • 44 lessons

Create Magic! One brushstroke at a time!

About the Course

At a time when most of the world is feeling extremely vulnerable and uneasy I think this course will help bring balance and quiet into your lives. Being creative and connecting back to your higher self through chakra work is extremely healing and uplifting. Painting is like a form of meditation and when we lose ourselves into the process it will help shut out all the "Noise" we are hearing at the moment which may have us feeling fear and anxiety. I hope this course helps fill your days with creativity and quiet. The Chakra Tree of Life E-Course was originally run over 5 weeks. I am now offering it as a self paced course. Students will have private access to the classroom using a password. Each session will have videos and content to guide the students along the way. A PDF of the whole course content is available to download. The Meditation MP3 will be downloadable. I will be demonstrating the chakra techniques on a large canvas. Students can follow along as each layer unfolds. There will be a Private Facebook Group called “Tree of Life” where students can share and support each other through the whole “chakra” experience. This is where you can ask me questions as well. I do plan to offer some "Live" interaction in this group which will be fun! A Materials list will be supplied once you register.

Additional information about the course

Based on my Two Day Live Workshop. Learn how to paint a beautiful Tree of Life as well as connecting to your spiritual self and the chakras

  • This unique course is not just about learning a painting technique but is also about removing blocks back into your life and bringing balance This course will show you how to use chakras to realign your spiritual body but also your physical body. The Chakra Tree of Life Intuitive Art E Course is perfect for experienced Artists as well as beginners.

  • Self Paced

    This course is now self paced so as soon as you enrol you will gain full access to all the videos and content.

  • Bonus Addition

    I have added another Tuition stream to the original course. Showing you how to paint another Tree using alternative options to stencils. So you actually have two demos to choose from.


Susan Farrell

Susan Farrell


Susan Farrell is an Australian Artist. She has been painting her whole life and teaching for over 12 years. She specialises in inspiring others to tap into their creative potential. She believes everyone has the ability to paint beautiful pieces. Susan has a love of Nature and Mother Earth. Her favourite things to paint are Animals and birds. But, always with a little extra touch of magic!! Her other passion is to guide others into connecting to their intuitive selves. She has developed several Intuitive techniques that enable the artist inside to truly shine in everyone. These Classes are perfect for the student who would like a Mind Body Soul experience when painting.