

    1. Serendipity Story

    2. WELCOME

    3. 1.2 Introduction- Video

    4. 1.3 Colour Wheel

    5. 1.4 Materials

    6. Serendipity Materials PDF

    7. 1.5 Sacred Space

    8. 1.6 Serendipity Meditation and Download

    9. Meditation Download

    10. 1.7 First Layer - Video

    11. 1.7 First layer- Warm Colours

    1. 2.1 Purple Stencils/Marks- Video

    2. 2.1 Purple Stencils/Marks-Content

    3. 2.2 Third Layer. Cool Colours- Video

    4. 2.2 Third Layer Tools/Marks/Shapes-Content

    1. 3.1 Glazing- Video

    2. 3.1 Glazing with Transparent fluid paint- Content

    1. 4.1 Fifth layer. White stencils for depth- Video

    2. 4.1 Fifth Layer. White stencils for depth-Content

    3. 4.2 Sixth Layer. Glaze over the white stencils-Video

    4. 4.2 Sixth Layer Glaze over the white stencils- Content

    1. 5.1 Seventh Layer. Final layer. Video

    2. 5.1 Seventh Layer Final Layer- Content

    3. 5.2 Bonus Video. Final Touches-

    4. 5.2 Bonus. Final Touches- Content

    5. Serendipity Intuitive Course PDF

Serendipity Intuitive

  • $145.00
  • 26 lessons

Create Magic! One Brushstroke at a time!

About This Course

This is not just a painting class, it is more of a holistic balancing, a healing experience. Reconnecting back to our creative selves and working through the blocks that have been holding us back and telling us we aren’t good enough. I have created this workshop after discovering that there are so many souls out there who believe they can’t paint or aren’t creative. These techniques are easy and intuitive. We build layers with transparent paint and stencils.

Additional course information

This course is based on my Two day Live Workshop

  • The Serendipity Technique

    For Beginners as well as Fellow Artists

    Learn how to create beautiful layers with stencils and translucent paint. Step by step instructions. Loads of videos and written content. Discover the artist within!!

  • Self paced course

    Once you enrol you will gain access to all the videos and content

  • Facebook Group

    Join our Facebook group so you can Share and connect with other students from all over the world.

About Susan

Susan Farrell


Susan Farrell is an Australian Artist. She has been painting her whole life and teaching for over 12 years. She specialises in inspiring others to tap into their creative potential. She believes everyone has the ability to paint beautiful pieces. Susan has a love of Nature and Mother Earth. Her favourite things to paint are Animals and birds. But, always with a little extra touch of magic!! Her other passion is to guide others into connecting to their intuitive selves. She has developed several Intuitive techniques that enable the artist inside to truly shine in everyone. These Classes are perfect for the student who would like a Mind Body Soul experience when painting.